Friday Forum Foraging: Hayabusa Dragbike Rolling Chassis

Well, here’s something a little different, and it comes to us from our sister site If you’ve ever wanted to give proper drag racing a try, this rolling chassis of a Hayabusa drag bike could be the perfect starter package. If you don’t know what a rolling chassis is, well, it can mean many things. At its most basic, a rolling chassis is just that – a chassis/frame and the required pieces to fit wheels on it so it can roll and move around. What we have here appears to be a complete motorcycle, minus an engine.

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Massive Air In Drag Bike Flip Video

A few weeks ago a drag bike race in Perth, Australia ended in a foot race (see  If You Ain’t First, You’re Last). This week, a drag race in Perth begins and ends in the same millisecond as drag racer Brett Ghedina flipped his turbocharged Honda, Saturday night at the opening round of Comp Bike eliminations at the Perth Motoplex. Ghedian, via social media, explains what went wrong.

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